The Obsession of “Being Fair”
Beauty has been an epitome of success. Women and men want to look in a certain way and want to be called as “beautiful”. The definition of being beautiful changes from region to region, people to people.
But what’s sad is that people specially in India are obsessed with certain color, certain skin tone. They regard fair as beautiful and dark-skinned as “Kali” “not beautiful”.
Whether, we enchant long notes on what beauty is and what’s not? The fact is we all at some point of time consider white skin tone as “most beautiful” skin color in the world. I was surprised when a newly pregnant mom asked me what I ate during my pregnancy that my daughter turned out be fair? She was worried because someone from her family has a dark skin.
I was shocked when a girl got rejected for marriage despite being working, having great educational background because she had a dark skin. I hear words like “Kali” “bad looking” from a mom having with 2 daughters, one is dark-skinned and one having fair skin tone. I was more shocked to see a woman being under confident because she has a dark skin tone and she considers herself not being beautiful. I mean what the hell is all this.
Then, I reciprocated and thought, from where all this is coming from ? Why there is an obsession of “being fair” among Indians? Here are few things I think has added fuel to fire.
The era of Bollywood —
Lets accept it. We all get affected by Bollywood. C’mon I also wanted to dress up like Priyanka Chopra in my wedding. I wanted to copy Anushka Sharma haldi dress for my haldi ceremony. The obsession is coming from the bollywood era which regarded fair as “beautiful”.
I mean even the song lyrics says “gore rang pe na khumar kar”, “kali kali aakhen gore gore gaal”, Gore Gore mukhde pe kaala kaala chasma” and what not. This simply says that if you are not gori you are not beautiful.
Beauty Products -
Undoubtedly, fair& lovely changed to “glow& lovely” spoke clearly that if you are dark skinned you are not worth of anything. You don’t deserve to be happy. Not only this, most of the beauty products only talks about how you can make your skin fair and how to turn your dark skin tone to light one.
Sometimes, I also wonder how can Indians love a skin color which ruled us for more than 200 years. But, this obessions is in genes and it will not go so easily. And, honestly, this blog is not meant to remove this obsession. These are my thoughts reciprocating into words. I personally feel that every color is beautiful, every skin is beautiful. You have to beautiful from within and there are a plethora of benefits that only being “kali” you can enjoy.
So, Is there any pros of being Kali?
Yes, there are many benefits of not being fair. At least I feel this. Here arr few listed -
You will be loved because of your qualities not your skin type
Your actions will speak louder
You will get the best partner in the world who will not only love your face but your soul
Let me give a shout out to all those who think they are beautiful being Kali and just be comfortable in what they are and how they are. Believe me, you are the purest souls and most beautiful creature in the world.
Also, a sorry for those who think being fair is all required to be beautiful. Be beautiful from within, love yourself what you are.